Sunday, December 26, 2010

On pessimism

When you read this post, I want you to know that I consider myself to be an optimist. I try to keep a positive outlook on life so please remember that as you hear what I have to say. This may seem like a bit of a rant, so here it goes...

If you've read some of my other posts, I've explained my feelings towards arrogance and ignorance. Something else that bothers me- I mean, really irks me is pessimism. I'm going to assume that we all know at least one person who we could describe as pessimistic. I don't get how someone could live their life that way. I don't get how other people can be around that kind of attitude. Maybe I'm taking it a little too seriously and shouldn't worry about it so much.

It's really a shame that some people are so negative; I wonder how they came to be like that. I've come across many people in my life who just have nothing nice to say about anything, and I've come to learn to just avoid them. I feel that they don't add anything of positive value to my life and I don't want to be their friend.

When we were younger, I'm sure we all heard the saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" These people have nothing nice to say, so why don't they just keep their mouths shut? I'm sure most of us have been in the situation where almost everyone is excited about something- it doesn't have to be a big thing, but something that makes most smile and laugh. But then that pessimist interjects and says something that expresses their disdain for the very thing, whatever it is, that excites everyone else. They speak out against it, trying to convince us to side with them. Kinda kills the mood doesn't it?

It's like these people don't enjoy life, and therefore they try to make everyone else miserable like them. It's almost an epidemic that we have to make such a big effort to avoid. There is this guy I've known for a while, and I truly cannot remember the last time he said something nice/positive or the last time he got excited about something in his life. It's pretty sad if you ask me.

Like I said earlier, I consider myself to be an optimist and I try to find as much joy as I can in the little things in life. Now there is a difference between complaining here and there, and having a consistently negative attitude. Unfortunately, I run into these people, whose outlooks and views on life clash with mine, and I really don't want to be around that.

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