Thursday, December 30, 2010

On 2010

Let's first rewind the clock to a year ago at the start of 2010. I truly thought I had it all figured out- I had a great girlfriend and completely understood women. I knew exactly what I wanted out of life- where I wanted to live, what I wanted do for a career. Sounds almost too good to be true, huh?

Well it was, because as we return back to the present, I am standing in a very different place: single and more confused than ever about my future. I think I've learned more in this past year than ever before- about life, and most importantly myself. However, there is so much that I don't know and I can't wait to learn as much as I can. This year was extremely humbling because I realized that even when class is dismissed and the quarter ends, we are still students and we will always be students, of life. We never stop learning and we also never stop teaching our friends, family, and everyone else we interact with.

During the past 12 months, I learned how truly lucky I am- lucky to have the best friends I could ever ask for, lucky to have such a supportive family behind me, and lucky to have been given the opportunities presented to me. I started to gain a clearer picture about what I want out of life. It's still fairly hazy, but I'm okay with that- hopefully it becomes less ambiguous as time goes on.

With relationships ending, new ones beginning, and old ones becoming stronger, I couldn't be happier. I challenge 2011 to be an even better year and look forward to meeting new people and having more great conversations. Thank you everyone for a great year!

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