Thursday, December 23, 2010

On common courtesy

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel that for the most part, common courtesy is lost among people these days. The way people (usually strangers) act around each other is appalling; it's like manners are reserved for only those we know and like. What happened to being polite to one another like were were taught when we were kids? I know this may sound insignificant, but little things can affect people in a much larger way- a "please", "thank you", or a smile can brighten someone's day, and yet the wrong tone or a mean look can do just the opposite.

Are people arrogant or just plain ignorant? Maybe people are simply unaware of the way they treat everyone else. Should someone point it out to them? If so, who should be responsible for saying something? Is it even our problem?

If it's arrogance, I don't see where people get the right to be like that- to stick their noses up in the air as if they are better than everyone else. I really don't understand where they got that from. Their parents? Now although I definitely don't agree with it, I get that people think they are above others. However, if this is the case, they should never act like they think they're better. Just keep it to yourselves.

Common courtesy is really not that difficult- it's showing people the respect they deserve, the same respect you would want in return. If someone walks by and asks you the time, don't just turn your head away as if you didn't hear them- help them and give them the time. Same with people asking for directions- really, how much effort does it take to help out someone who's lost if you know you can help. When you're eating at a restaurant be nice to the people who serve you- they're people too, working hard to get that paycheck just like you. You are not better than them (also, if you are truly that rude, they may do something to your food- have you seen the movie Waiting?). If they're trying to merge, let them go in front of you. If you stop in a hallway or aisle, stand to the side- don't just stop in the middle and be in everyone's way. If you're going to be late, call and let the person know to show you care. If you're always late, leave earlier! It's not that difficult to be courteous- it doesn't take that much effort and can go a long way.

Now I'm not saying that I've mastered the art of common courtesy. Far from it. I've been guilty of the above before. All I'm saying is that we can all do a little bit better.

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