Saturday, April 16, 2011

On blogging

This post is dedicated to Derek and Vidur (for encouraging me to start a blog) and to Justin (for the idea of a blog post about blogging).

So I've been writing in this blog for about four months now and during that time, I have found myself questioning my motives for doing so. I'm not debating on whether or not it's a good idea because I believe it is, but instead why. As I'm sure most of you are aware, the past year has brought many changes to my life- I've experienced so many new things, and changed the way I see various aspects of the world. Like I mentioned before, for those who know me well enough, I love to talk and I assign high value to deep and meaningful conversation. I guess this blog is a good way for me to start future conversations, letting people know how I feel about any number of things and opening myself up to everyone (and hopefully helping to improve my writing skills).

I'm what you would call a classic over-thinker. It's something I've been aware of and trying to improve about myself for a long time, occasionally forcing myself to truly relax and take things for what they are. I feel like my mind is always going, and although I don't believe it's a bad thing to constantly be thinking, I'm striving for moderation. I think that this blog helps me organize my thoughts in a (hopefully somewhat) concise manner; it puts my mind at ease. I've talked about stress before and ways we can mitigate it in the midst of our hectic lives. This is an outlet I've found that works for me.

I wanted to take this chance to thank those of you who read my blog, whether you've read most of my posts or just a few. It means a lot to me and I hope that you've all gotten something out of hearing what I have to say. I also wanted to ask if you have any suggestions about things to write about. I'm curious about what's on your mind :) Let me know...

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