Saturday, May 7, 2011

On routine vs "rut"ine

Please note that I'm kinda stealing the foundation for this blog post from How I Met Your Mother's Barney Stinson. I acknowledge that credit should be given when it's due. Also note that this post is similar to one I wrote in January titled, On what could have been and taking the leap. That said, I don't mean to be redundant- the implications of the two posts are in fact different.

Everyone's got their own way of doing things, and it's so easy for us to develop some kind of routine as we go about our daily lives. Our routines provide us with a certain level of comfort and can keep us safe from the unknown. However, as the weeks go by and the calendar pages turn, our routines can become "rut"ines. We get stuck doing the same tired old thing day after day after day, and fall into this never-ending cycle. That's no way to live.

It is so important for us to change our routine from time to time, and step outside of our comfort zones. As I'm sure almost all of you have previously heard, that of which is unknown to us can enrich our lives in ways we can't even fathom. How do we know if we like something unless we experience it? We have to make a preemptive strike against monotony and take advantage of new opportunities when they present themselves.

Now it's important to understand that some level of consistency is healthy. We don't want to go too overboard with this. It's just that, from my personal experiences, a whole different world can be opened up to you if you allow it. Don't get stuck in a "rut"ine- change things up and see what happens.

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