Sunday, May 22, 2011

On leadership

"To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone."- Harry S Truman

In life, there are leaders and followers, and most of the time, it's fairly easy to distinguish who's who. However, like many things, it's not quite that black and white. I think leadership is both a natural skill and a technical skill- many are born leaders, but don't quite know how to lead. In addition to the quotes above, I also believe in the saying, "You have to learn how to follow before you can lead."

A successful leader, manager, or boss isn't just someone who simply barks out orders to people who will listen. Instead, he's someone who not only understands the people he's leading, but also knows how to communicate with them (versus at them), and he's also got to be a good listener. A great leader needs to be confident in himself without being too cocky, and must instill this confidence in those he leads. He has to be able to inspire and motivate with clarity regarding his intentions, without discouraging those who follow.

Being a leader is not a right, but instead a privilege, and those given the opportunity to lead need to rise up to the challenge and act with honor, integrity, and perseverance. Most importantly, he needs to care and show that he gives a damn.

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