Thursday, March 17, 2011

On "thinking of the books"

"There's this famous architecture story about an architect who designed this library. It was perfect. But every year, the whole thing would sink a couple inches into the ground. Eventually, the building was condemned. He forgot to account for the weight of the books... What if I don't think of the books?"- Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother (2009)

If you know me well enough, I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that I'm quoting How I Met Your Mother. However, I'm not doing it just because it's my favorite show, but instead because of the quote's relevance and the message it conveys.

I officially graduate from college in a couple of days and as exciting as it is to start a new chapter in my life, things are going to be changing so rapidly; it's all going to become real. As much as I've gotten used to the idea of change, and even though I believe that college has prepared me to go out into the world, it's still scary. I've spent the past seventeen years in school, trying to give myself as many opportunities as possible and soon enough, I'll be working in the corporate world, taking on new challenges. I know I can be successful if I work hard, but my life seems to be moving at a pace that causes me to question, "What if I don't think of the books?"

Everyone carries insecurities to some degree, no matter how deep-seated they may be; it's all part of dealing with the unknowns of the future. I guess at some point, we have to realize that we can't worry too much about these kinds of things; it's unhealthy to constantly be so overwhelmed by the future to the point where it negatively affects our lives today. We just have to do one thing at a time, take everything in stride, and try to think of the books.

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