As many of us experience one of the most turbulent periods in our lives, we undergo a multitude of changes. As we grow, we will most likely find ourselves in new environments and new relationships. We're introduced to so many new places, ideas, and people, but what about the old? It's not good to live in the past because that will just keep us from moving forward, but at the same time, we cannot simply forget it (and it's never a good idea to burn your bridges). Sometimes we need to obtain closure, to accept and reconcile the events of our past, in order to continue living the best we can.
Ideally, at least regarding relationships with old friends and loved ones, gaining closure would require more than one person. Unfortunately, that's not always an option. Many times, we're forced to reconcile things amongst ourselves, and this may take a while and can be quite difficult. It's not easy to make peace with ourselves, as we often replay certain events over and over in our heads. But what other choice do we have? We need to be strong and reward ourselves with the time we need to go through our process.
Having to leave a place that you've enjoyed for so long is no easy task either. However, looking back on all of your experiences there, and knowing you've made the most of it definitely helps. I guess at some point, we have to realize that we did the very best we could and this should put us at ease- best not to wrestle with the past. We most likely made some mistakes along the way, but we can take what we learned and put it to good use.
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