Thursday, June 30, 2011

On keeping in touch

This post was inspired by Cassie :)

One of the best things about college was the fact that most of my friends were super close by. Despite our somewhat busy schedules, it was fairly easy to make plans with people, most of the time on short notice. During my senior year, my closest friends lived right down the street...lucky, huh? Now that I've graduated and moved back home, I have to make more of an effort to see everyone, and I'm sure many of you feel the same way.

It feels similar to when high school ended- everyone went off to college and we could only hang out over breaks. As we get older and get more involved doing our own thing, we meet tons of new people, but at the same time, it's a lot more difficult to keep in touch with everyone else.

It's obviously hard... actually, pretty much impossible to keep in touch with every single person from our past. At first, I felt bad because I've met so many awesome people throughout the years and it sucks to lose those connections. I guess the reality is that some of the people we were close to before won't play as prominent roles in our lives anymore. It's not a bad thing, and we can still stay connected- it'll just be different.

My take on all of this is that you will remain close to those who simultaneously wish to remain close to you. It has to do with effort- effort to actually keep in touch, effort to see each other, effort to remain a part of each other's lives. Like I said before, I'm sad that I lost touch with some people and feel more distant with others, but I'm very fortunate to have remained close to those who mean a lot to me.

Yesterday, I had lunch with a friend from middle school (or junior high) who went to a different high school and college. It was awesome catching up, as we frequently did during winter breaks, spring breaks, and summers. We were actually talking about this very subject of keeping in touch with people as we reminisced about what we were like ten years ago.

Keeping in touch with people isn't easy and requires a lot of effort, but it's so worth it when we're hanging out with the people who mean a lot to us, and we'll find that those relationships continue to grow even stronger.

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