Wednesday, November 30, 2011

On "The Star Spangled Banner"

Maybe it's because I'm into tradition and stuff like that, but I absolutely hate it, HATE IT, when people mess with the national anthem. I'll be honest, it's not even close to being the most interesting or exciting song in the world, but nevertheless, you gotta respect it.

1. When you're at an event where this song is being played or performed, take off your hat if you're wearing one, and listen to it. Don't talk- singing is cool, but hang up the phone, and just listen.

2. DON'T FORGET THE WORDS *cough* *cough* Christina Aguilera

3. If you're ever performing The Star Spangled Banner, don't try to make it artistic- this isn't the time to try to make a name for yourself. Please, it's a song that needs to be sung/played/performed as written. Don't hold "freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" for ten minutes- that's tacky, and it can get really old really fast. Don't make the song last any longer than it needs to be, and please stay on key.

I know it's kinda weird that someone can get so riled up about this, but I've heard way too many people try to do way too much with this song, and it pisses me off every time.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

On being vulnerable

A man stepped out to the edge, trembling in fear. Knowing full well the danger that could potentially ensue, he put himself out there, because he thought she deserved to know. He proceeded with mild caution and extreme hope. It didn't make sense to him, but that didn't matter anymore because of what she had said, and how real it appeared. The man took one more step and then went for broke; he jumped right in, and in an instant, it was out of his hands...

...and believe me, he didn't regret it.

There are going to be many times in our lives in which we're given the opportunity to be vulnerable. It can be incredibly scary, but in the end, what can we really accomplish by always holding ourselves back? Eventually, we all must develop that faith in ourselves, so we can have faith in each other as well.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

On letting go

It's ironic how hard it can be to let go of something you never really had in the first place.

Sometimes our perceptions of what we want (or what could be) cloud our judgments about the reality facing us. That's when things begin to get complicated.

On apathy

Sometimes, I feel that life can be so much easier for those who are apathetic towards it. However, I feel that it can be less rewarding for them as well.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

On caring

This post was inspired by a great conversation with an even greater friend.

It is so incredibly important for us to remember that we should never, ever feel bad about caring for those who mean the most to us. Though we may hold conflicting views or values regarding certain aspects of life, and silently pass judgment amongst one another, our just intentions should not be forgotten. At the end of the day, we're just looking out for each other.

Sometimes we see a friend in trouble, struggling through tough times. They may act out, or attempt to hold it all in, but in either case, they're unconsciously crying out for help. Many times we act, in the hopes of helping them through their trying situations, and unfortunately, we may do or say the wrong thing.

Regardless, we must not regret taking action if our intentions were selfless. We may get pushed away, and conflict can ensue. However, sometimes we need to sacrifice doing what is easy for doing what is right.

It's only because we care, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On achievement

1) To accomplish, do successfully. 2) To win or attain, as by effort or skill.

Let us be inspired by what we have achieved thus far, and motivated by what we wish to achieve in the future.

On trying

I can guarantee that we will not be successful if we don't try.

Friday, November 4, 2011

On dealing

Just because you know something bad is going to happen, doesn't make it any easier when it actually does. Unfortunately, I guess it's just something you have to deal with.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

On being irrational

If a rational man makes irrational decisions, does he actually become an irrational man? Or is it possible to make those decisions and remain a rational man?

This plays along with the question of how we define ourselves. What makes us who we are? Our choices? Thoughts? Opinions? Friends? Family? Religion? Or maybe our past?

It's interesting to think about because most everyone will give you a different answer, and it's difficult to say someone in particular has it figured out. Maybe it's impossible to designate just one of the many aspects of our lives to be the definition of who we are. Maybe it's completely unnecessary, or even foolish, to even attempt to disaggregate ourselves in such a manner. Especially because we're always changing.

If you're new to my blog, these are the things I think about sometimes, and as you can tell, my thoughts can often get muddled into one giant ball of confusion. But in the end, I'd encourage you to think about it...why not? lol

We were who we were, and now we are who we are.